Creative Bay of Plenty has brought together information on a range of funding packages that specifically relate to the creative sector to provide support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes funding and grants provided by Creative NZ, Work & Income, the Ministry of Social Development, our region’s local authorities and philanthropic trusts.
In most cases, funding is open to employers, contractors, sole traders, the self-employed, registered charities, incorporated societies and not-for-profit organisations – in other words, anyone that has had their income or livelihood disrupted by the situation we currently find ourselves in.
We have put all the information together in one document to make navigating the opportunities easier for you. However, if you are unclear on how to apply for funding or the best option for you, email Annie Hill, Creative Bay of Plenty’s Funding & Projects Advisor, on We are here to support you, so let us know if anything is causing you issues and we will help in any way we can.
*DOC last updated 29 May 2020 – click the link below.