Creative Kōrero, Funding

New Fund for Cultural Installations and Events

Cultural sector practitioners, creatives, collectives and organisations will be delighted to hear about a new fund that has been established to support cultural installations and events in the community.

Launched by the Ministry for Culture and Heritage on 9 April 2021, the Ngā Puninga Toi ā-Ahurea me ngā Kaupapa Cultural Installations and Events fund aims to amplify cultural installations and events in the wider community and make them easy to access.  It encourages people and organisations to think about how the cultural experiences they create can be presented in places like parks, community hubs, marae, shopping malls and churches, as well as in special places such as along a waterfront.

Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister, Carmel Sepuloni, sees these funds as ensuring everyone is able to access and enjoy arts and cultural experiences in their everyday lives.  “This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase a range of creative and cultural content including ngā toi Māori, Pasifika art, and collaborations in cultural installations and events across Aotearoa,” she says.

The fund has a focus on bringing culture and creativity to communities outside the main cities of Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch and applications of up to $20,000 can be made.  Examples of projects that would be eligible include art exhibitions in public spaces, Pacific dance and kapa haka events, weaving demonstrations where passers-by are encouraged to join in, and museums taking heritage collections into a space like a community library.

Projects led by Māori and Pacific cultural sector organisations and practitioners will be a priority, as well as those that support access for people with disabilities, provide skill development opportunities for emerging and established cultural practitioners, and create employment in the regions.  The closing date for this round is Friday 7 May, with a second round expected to take place in August 2021.

For further information and to apply, head to the Ministry’s website.

Creative Kōrero, Funding

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