Creative Kōrero, Dance

Inaugural winner of the FAME Mid-Career Award announced

In partnership with The FAME Trust (Fund for Acting and Musical Endeavours) and PANNZ (Performing Arts Network of New Zealand), the Acorn Foundation is delighted to announce the inaugural winner of a significant new prize for Aotearoa’s exceptional live performance artists.

Renowned dancer and performer Rodney Bell (Ngāti Maniapoto) was awarded the first FAME Mid-Career Award on 28 February 2022, at the 2022 PANNZ Arts Market.

Rodney Bell is internationally renowned for his performances of physically integrated dance, a form of dance which celebrates people with different abilities and physicalities. Rodney has been dancing professionally since 1994 after becoming paraplegic in 1991 due to a motorcycle accident. Since his accident, Rodney has toured the world representing Aotearoa in the world of physically integrated dance – most recently completing a NZ-wide tour of his pioneering work, Meremere.

A wholehearted thank you. We are all affected by something and I thank you for affecting me with this award. It’s going to allow me to affect others throughout Aotearoa and whoever else I can outside of our waters to enhance their mana through performing arts.” – Rodney Bell

This is the first of the FAME Mid-Career Awards, which will provide three established and inspiring mid-career artists with a one-off award of $15,000. The prize money is to support activities like touring overseas or within Aotearoa, collaborating with other arts organisations, or carrying out further study and/or development. As one of the largest prize grants made available to the performing arts community, Acorn is privileged to facilitate these awards – made possible by the generosity of the Tauranga-based FAME Trust.

Creative Kōrero, Dance

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