Applications for three Acorn Foundation scholarships to support creative arts practice in Tauranga and the Western Bay opened on Monday 4 July. Applicants for all scholarships must either reside here or have completed part of their secondary education here.
- Jann Medlicott Creative Arts Scholarship – valued at $5,000, to support the study of creative arts of any genre. Applicants must be undertaking or about to commence further study in preparation for a career in creative arts. For further information and to apply, click here.
- Coker Classical Arts Scholarship – worth $3,000, to be awarded to a Year 13 student that has a proven interest and talent in classical painting and who wishes to pursue studies in classical art through a recognised tertiary provider. For further information and to apply, click here.
- Christine Tustain Classical Music Award: worth $2,000 to commence further study in preparation for a career in classical music. For further information and to apply, click here.
If you or someone you know might benefit from one of these scholarships, we encourage you to make a submission. All scholarships cover study in the 2023 calendar year and applications close at 5pm on Monday 1 August.
For further information or to discuss your application, contact Annie Hill at Creative Bay of Plenty on email