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Treasures of Cultures
Craft/object, Creative Kōrero, Heritage, Ngā Toi Māori

New exhibitions open at Western Bay Museum

An explosion of “cultural colour” is how Museum Manager and Curator Paula Gaelic would describe “Treasures of Cultures,” one of three new exhibitions to open at Western Bay Museum on Saturday August 5th.

In April, a call was put out to our community to share their personal Taonga/treasures and the stories that underbelly their personal significance. There was a tremendous response to the call out, with community members sharing objects and stories representing literally dozens of countries.

The resulting exhibition is truly a celebration of the rich diversity in our region with every continent having representation. It is bright, cheerful, honest, sometimes sad, intriguing and a testament to the pride that each donor has shared in bringing forward their personal stories.

Among the objects on display, the exhibition includes textiles, tools, china, rugs and carpets, coffee pots, calligraphy, ceramic bulls, traditional costumes and so much more.

“There’s too many countries to list and there really is something that will appeal to everyone,” says Gaelic. “It is really beautiful and quite amazing.”

Western Bay Museum is also opening another two exhibitions this month. The Māori contribution has brought in intimate taonga that talks to the ancient waka migration of early Māori as they voyaged out of Polynesia. It’s an incredible link to the past that includes a feathered visitor that still migrates from Polynesian triangle today.

Our Natural Histories area has always proven popular with our young visitors. Having previously focussed on terrestrial pests, we now move into “Harbour Health” and explore what is in our harbour. As part of this new display, we have a wide range of taxidermy on display as well as information around how you can help restore estuary and harbour health in your area.

All three exhibitions will open to the public on Saturday August 5th, and will remain on display until January 2024. Western Bay Museum is now pleased to offer free entry to all walk-in visitors, though museum experiences such as public programmes, education programmes and some events still have a modest charge.

Craft/object, Creative Kōrero, Heritage, Ngā Toi Māori

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