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The Artistry Huddle

Western Bay of Plenty and Tauranga creatives are invited to apply to The Artistry Huddle’s 2024 programme.

The Artistry Huddle are bringing you monthly formal critique sessions over a year-long programme beginning February 2024. Successful participants will garner feedback and connect with their creative community as they shape and develop their art practice.

This kaupapa supports any artist, in any media, at any stage of their career. Whether it is returning to their art practice, wanting to test contemporary, new ideas or if they are recent arts graduates, The Artistry Huddle ensures there is support for creatives by providing a space for feedback and critique during the making process. Experience in critique is not necessary as the team offer guided support to help participants stay accountable, meet their creative goals and challenge their concepts as they expand and grow their art practice.

The dates of the huddles are the 10th February, 2nd March, 6th April, 4th May, 8th June, 6th July, 3rd August, 7th September, 5th October and 2nd November. Participants can expect regular contact from the facilitator via a closed group for networking and sharing events as well as emails leading up to the critique resolving display needs and notifying them of the order of critiques. Attendants will meet at 1pm at M Block, Toi-Ohomai Windermere Campus where the first four huddlers will set up their work with the first critique beginning at 1.30pm. Each critique is 20 minutes long and participants are invited to bring 1 – 3 finished and/or unresolved work and will have 5 minutes to discuss their concepts, themes, ideas, successes and struggles through the prior month. There is another 5 minutes for questions and closely viewing the work before the floor will open for critique. Everyone will break for afternoon tea and the remaining four participants set up their work before finishing the day at 5pm. Guest industry professionals such as local artists, curators or gallerists are invited in April, July and October to share their expertise, experience and offer networking opportunities for participants.

There are eight spots to fill with successful applicants being asked to pay a discounted fee of $200 ($20 per huddle!) for the year’s programme, thanks to funding from Creative Bay of Plenty and Tauranga Creative Communities Scheme.

Applications close Sunday 4th February. Apply here.

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