Creative Kōrero, Funding

Creative NZ funding opportunities!

Creative New Zealand have opened the first opportunities in their 12-month COVID-19-driven investment plan, which offers arts funding through to 30 June 2021, with the first decisions notified in mid-September 2020.

The opportunities opened today offer funding for short-term projects and longer-term planning, projects or events.

You’ll find details of the opened opportunities and how to apply on Creative New Zealand’s website, with links below:

  • Arts Grants: first round (of eight) – supporting short-term projects that contribute to more sustainable careers, encourage innovation and the development of arts practice, and provide opportunities for diverse communities to access the arts (funding may be for projects that include international activity).
  • Annual Arts Grants – supporting the presentation of a regular or continuous programme of activity over a 12-month period and/or produce or present a significant event or project.

Creative New Zealand are creating some videos to help you through the application process – these will be added to the opportunities in the next few days, and shared through social media. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram to be updated when these videos are released.

You’ll find the latest information about the full programme of opportunities on the 12-month funding calendar on Creative NZ’s website.

You can watch the recording of a Special Online Hui, a live Q&A session about the full programme, held on Tuesday 14 July in partnership with PANNZ and Auckland Live, on YouTube (with NZSL interpreting and captioning).

This was followed by Zono (Zoom fono) with the Pacific arts community on 16 and 30 July and an initial Zui (Zoom hui) with the toi Māori community on 17 July. Creative NZ (and Creative BOP) will share information about future online hui on our social media channels.

Creative Kōrero, Funding

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