Graphic Design, Marketing, Multi-disciplinaryUninked MarketingOur full-stack marketing agency collaborates with our clients to create personalised digital solutions that align with their…
Alternative, Classical, Composing, General, Jazz, Latin, Music, Music education, Percussion, RockJordan River AudioJordan River Audio is a place of inspiring music and sound run by Jordan Kennedy Stevenson. We…
Object & CraftGrow On KatikatiWe are a community-led food resilience project and we encourage locals to grow kai in their backyard.…
Band, Dance, Music, Pop, RockThird Space Covers BandWe are Third Space, a Tauranga-based live band bringing high-energy entertainment to weddings, corporate events, birthday parties,…
Acting, Play writing, Public speaking, TheatreTe Puke Repertory SocietyTe Puke Repertory has been operating for over 70 years bringing the local community a range of…
Digital Design, Marketing, Visual ArtsMade NiceWe are full-stack digital design agency, where design is made nice. We deliver Brand Design, Web Design…
Content Design, Event Coordination, Marketing, Multi-disciplinaryPomPom Events & MarketingWe are a Design, Marketing, and Events team blending the expertise of Charlotte Tollervey from the UK…
Ngā Toi MāoriAroha AvenueKia ora! We are Aroha Avenue, meaningful gift boxes celebrating Māori creativity, wisdom and wit. The founder…
Dance, Multi-disciplinary, Music, Ngā Toi Māori, Theatre, Visual ArtsTuatara CollectiveTuatara Collective brings artists together to collaborate and turn our own Aotearoa stories into art. Our voice,…
Ngā Toi MāoriTe Tuhi Mareikura TrustConceived in 2015 and spearheaded by leading Māori artists of the Tauranga Moana region, Te Tuhi Mareikura…