What’s on

Browse upcoming creative events and workshops in the Bay of Plenty.

Create Art Academy | Term One Kids’ Class

Create Art Academy 364 Otumoetai Road, Tauranga

Presented by: Create Art Academy | Amber Miller Creative Over this 9 week programme, children will be encouraged to explore a range of different mediums including pencil, watercolour, acrylic, mixed media and clay. Each week has a different skill focus and the children get to take home a completed project. Amber believes in flexibility -...


Create Art Academy | Term One Kids’ Class

Create Art Academy 364 Otumoetai Road, Tauranga

Presented by: Create Art Academy | Amber Miller Creative Over this 9 week programme, children will be encouraged to explore a range of different mediums including pencil, watercolour, acrylic, mixed media and clay. Each week has a different skill focus and the children get to take home a completed project. Amber believes in flexibility -...


Create Art Academy | Term One Kids’ Class

Create Art Academy 364 Otumoetai Road, Tauranga

Presented by: Create Art Academy | Amber Miller Creative Over this 9 week programme, children will be encouraged to explore a range of different mediums including pencil, watercolour, acrylic, mixed media and clay. Each week has a different skill focus and the children get to take home a completed project. Amber believes in flexibility -...


Create Art Academy | Term One Kids’ Class

Create Art Academy 364 Otumoetai Road, Tauranga

Presented by: Create Art Academy | Amber Miller Creative Over this 9 week programme, children will be encouraged to explore a range of different mediums including pencil, watercolour, acrylic, mixed media and clay. Each week has a different skill focus and the children get to take home a completed project. Amber believes in flexibility -...

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