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Amanda Sloan

Creative Patapatai

Amanda Sloan‘s creative resume is lengthy. She’s a touring artist, musical director, dance teacher, producer, composer, choreographer, and event planner. She believes strongly in the law of attraction – find out why below.

Your occupation, job title, artistic discipline (or very brief description of what you do):

I am a recording/performing artist (Celeste Music) and producer.  I play music locally and am a touring artist.  I produce my own music through AJS Celeste Productions.

I’m also a dance teacher, choreographer (Celeste Dance), and event planner!  I teach after school, during and before school, mostly in the Bay, and produce regular shows with music releases.

What cities/towns have you lived in (or spent more than a few months in) beginning with the place of your birth?

I was born in Hamilton and we lived in Tirau until I was seven.  I lived in Whitianga for most of my childhood, then moved to Auckland for a few years to do a hairdressing apprenticeship.  Then I moved back to Whiti and since the age of 18 have been in the Bay of Plenty.  I did a little stint in Hamilton, then I moved back to the Mount, where I have been for over 20 years.

What are the earliest stories you remember hearing? The ones that told you about the world?

Mum read me lots of nursery rhymes which could be why I write so much music. Fairytales,  AA Milne, girls classics like Little Woman (my Grandmother’s suggestions).

What’s your favourite Bay of Plenty landscape, park, building, location, suburb, or side street? Why?

Walking up the Mount. I love the view, the exercise, and how uplifting it is on all the senses. I walk up once a week and really enjoy it. Sometimes I go part way up around the back as the view is beautiful.  I’ve been walking it for years and it still is as beautiful every day.

What’s an average day in your life at present?

Meditation, affirmations, shower. Watch the sunrise, drink healthy drinks, eat a nourishing breakfast, write a gratitude list, think up tools to move forward and create positive neural pathways. Check my emails, do any urgent admin, plan classes, rehearse music, plan events, record music, upload music online, rehearse dance/music yoga, beach walks… Oh, and more nourishing food, affirmations, and listening to mentors whenever I’m not listening to music.

What music was present and still memorable from your youth/adolescence?

Led Zep, The Doors, The Beatles, Nolan Sisters, The Stones, Jimi Hendrix.  I really liked the 60s music and my parents were into pop and love songs. I also liked Prince and Cyndi Lauper back in the day.  We had an old record player in the lounge and I have good memories of listening to those old tunes on a Friday night.

For you as a creative person, who are three influential artists or thinkers?

I like all the Kiwi girl artists who have inspired me: Anika, Bo/Bic, Brooke, Lorde (especially her latest video).  I also look up to a lot of online mentors that work with the Law of Attraction, like Bob Proctor, Christy Whitman, Natalie Ledwell, Rhoda Jordan, Antia Boyd, and many others. They work with recreating positive paradigms, so that we can change our mindsets to create the life of our dreams. That’s what I write my music about!

If you went away from the Bay of Plenty for a long time and then came back, what are the first three things you would do or visit?

Visit my family, and then another walk up the Mount or along the Mount beach (at sunrise or sunset).

Looking back at your teen-age self: what one sentence describes that person?

A creative, emotional girl using music and fun as her outlet.

If you had to eat the same meal every day, what would it be?

Brown rice and steamed veges with fresh herbs, raw garlic, salt, ground pepper, and loads of olive oil. Or roasted salmon with roastedveges. Also, I just love salads.

What are you planning for 2022 that nobody knows about yet?

Total success in love, my family, and my business!

Who are your favourite or most admired figures from history?

The first woman prime ministers,  John Lennon and Yoko, The Beatles, Led Zep, Jimi Hendrix, and Napolean Hill.

If the Prime Minister asked you to make up a new policy or law for New Zealand, what would it be?

Like I say in one of my songs, “If I were the queen of the world, I’ll tell you what I’d do…” Support with affirmations and the law of attraction! I would ensure the work of the coaches I look up to was more accessible to the rest of the world. I’d also ensure that artists were paid more.

In one sentence, can you define art?

Expressive joy.

Name a few films that you consider profound, moving or extraordinary?

Grease (1 and 2), Footloose, The Notebook, Forrest Gump, Desperately Seeking Susan, and Thomas & the Magic Railroad.

What was your first real job, second, third?

I worked at a supermarket bakery.

Where would you like to live, but have yet to?

Hollywood! I just love all the little side streets with the pretty gardens, the Hollywood hills, and all the opportunity to do creative things there: the theatre companies, production centres… it’s exciting! I’d like to live in the South Island, too. It would be nice a getaway from ‘cityness’.  I would also like to own a lifestyle block with my husband one day and plant lots of fruit trees!

What word of advice would you offer an aspiring creative person?

Keep going, breathe, love, smile! Be positive, believe in yourself.

What’s the biggest problem about life in New Zealand? How you would solve it?

The biggest problem is property prices in comparison to average income. I’d solve it by having more government funding for first homes.

What is your dream of happiness?

Love and marriage as the foundation for happiness! When everything around me (family and career) is receiving this love, shining and flourishing, and I’m travelling the world and owning lots of property everywhere! As much as possible! When I’m feeling really good about me, healthy in my body, possessing good alignment with a source higher than me. That is what it means to be content.

Anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself/your organisation?

I really enjoy dancing and I pass that passion onto my students. I like to make learning as easy as possible for them. I encourage them to take breaks if they need. Recently, we did meditation during the class, accompanied by positive visuals.

I love singing and playing guitar. I get so much enjoyment from it that I believe that that energy also goes out to the audience. I shine with love from myself, my higher source, the people I love, music… that radiates through me. Writing is so expressive to me and I endeavour to be a coach through my music, so that the words are uplifting and encourage my audience to live the life of their dreams.

Celeste Music Originals | Celeste Music Live | Celeste Dance

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