Creative Patapatai
Senior media specialist by day, musical theatre performer by night! Discover how Sam Howe approaches character development and stays healthy during a production run, and catch him in Tauranga Musical Theatre’s Jekyll & Hide, showing from 14 to 19 April 2023.
Your occupation, job title, artistic discipline (or very brief description of what you do):
I’m a Senior Media Specialist at NZME and weekend singer for The Shy & Retiring Company band.
How do you approach character development and preparation for a role?
I always start developing my character by focusing on how they walk, as it flows on to all other character traits and even helps lead into their backstory. When building on the character, I like to run through scenes, trying new things and discovering different ways to tell their story. Doing this for both Jekyll and Hyde has been challenging but a lot of fun as they are almost complete opposites.
What’s an average day in your life at present?
Working my day job at NZME, then getting home to entertain my two-year-old daughter Heidi and then cooking for my girls Lydia and Charlotte. Then it’s off to rehearsal where I can let loose and become a doctor or maniac – it’s a great way to de-stress!
What do you believe is the most important aspect of a successful musical theatre performance?
Everyone coming together as a cast and crew with a positive vibe and uplifting energy. Every person is just as important as the next in our productions, and I love it when there is a family feel throughout the performance season.
How do you stay vocally and physically healthy during a production run?
Plenty of water, plenty of vitamins and the odd Kurol or two! Sleep is extremely important too but sometimes it’s hard to sleep after having a blast performing on stage!
What word of advice would you offer an aspiring creative person?
Get involved and don’t worry what other people think. Theatre is a safe place where you can let loose and explore so throw yourself into it! Even for adults it’s a great place to meet new friends and to get out of your comfort zone, and a place to be a big kid all over again!
Anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself/your organisation?
Tauranga Musical Theatre is a great place for performers of all ages to explore their passion for musical theatre. Both my wife and I are involved and have been for some time now, and we love it – it’s always a thrill performing on stage.
This is one of the more challenging shows to date and I encourage everyone to come along!

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