Arohanoa Mathews
- Acrylic painting
- Multi-disciplinary
- Ngā Toi Māori
- Ngā Toi Māori
- Painting
- Textiles
- Visual Arts
- Visual Arts Education
Ko Mauao te maunga
Ko Tauranga te moana
Ko Te Awanui te awa
Ko Mataatua me Takitimu ngā waka
Ko Ngāi Te Rangi me Ngāti Ranginui ngā iwi
He hononga ahau ki te moutere o Tauranga Moana, kei Matakana me Rangiwaea hoki.
Ko Ngāti Tapu, Ngāi Tūkairangi, Ngāi Tamarāwaho, Ngāti Hangarau ngā hapū
Ko Waikari, Hungahungatoroa, Huria me Hangarau ngā marae
Kei Matapihi ahau e noho ana
Ko Faulkner, Ngatai, Ihaka, Parata, Tapsell ngā whānau
Ko Arohanoa Mathews ahau.
I whakapapa to Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Ranginui iwi in Tauranga Moana. My whānau and I returned home to Matapihi to reconnect, learn and contribute to our marae and hapū communities where I began my journey as Education, Reo and Archives Manager for Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi Trust whilst being a practicing Artist, for the past thirty years. As I explore new pathways and disciplines of my art practice, I am reminded that my knowledge, values and skillsets are intrinsically handed down by my ancestors, which in turn reminds us to pass on the treasures of our tupuna.
I am a multifaceted artist with a degree in visual communications design and fine arts. My arts teaching background spans over 25 years alongside practicing and showcasing my work via painting exhibitions nationally and internationally however, I believe to grow as an artist, one must play, explore and take creative risks. My creative journey has been deeply rooted in familial influence and mentorship spanning generations which has continued to inform much of my recent art practice, intricately weaving my cultural heritage as Māori through painting and digital art forms. My whakapapa brings invaluable insight into the balance between tradition and innovation within indigenous arts which for me is key in my practice right now. Lastly, I am passionate around the advocacy for the preservation, and revitalisation of Māori arts and I firmly believe in the empowerment of Māori creatives as the cornerstone of a thriving arts community which I continue to support.
My most recent ‘body of work’ is my HONO Collection; hono – “Honouring the Past, Weaving the Future – Ko te hononga o mua, o āpōpō.”
This captures the essence of blending traditional textile Māori practices with contemporary sustainability. Inspired and influenced by my kuia, I aim to create a ‘body of work’ by upcycling natural, found, and man-made textiles and create them into unique, sustainable items. My focus is on reducing environmental impact through creative use and re-use of natural and modern textiles whilst honouring customary Māori art forms.
Article Links:
Artist’s Maori Heritage Inspires Work
Combining Te Reo, Culture and Business