NZ String Quartet at Huria Marae 2018

On 30 October 2018, the NZ String Quartet performed at Tauranga’s Huria Marae on Wednesday as part of the WW100 Armistice Day Commemoration.

The free concert was arranged with Creative Bay of Plenty, with sponsorship from TECT, Farmer Autovillage, Legacy Trust, Holland Beckett law, Tauriko Business Estate, Farmers, Whitcoulls, Pascoes the Jewellers and Metro Marketing.

The string quartet has performed at Huria Marae previously in 2014, as part of the Battle of Gate Pa 100 year commemorations and found the acoustics to be exceptional. Ngāi Tamarāwaho hapū organiser Buddy Mikaere felt inviting them back to perform again in the Tamateapokaiwhenua Meeting House would be a fitting way to mark the end of the 100th year commemorations, paying tribute to the soldiers from Tauranga who went to World War One.

The performances were arranged to coincide with the WW100 Armistice Commemorations, but also to highlight the NZ War Memorial Museum project in Le Quesnoy in northern France. Koha was collected on entry to go toward the museum project which also commemorates the centenary of the end of World War One.

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