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Christine Tustain
Classical Music Award

The Acorn Foundation Christine Tustain Classical Music Award is valued at $2,000 and awarded to support the furtherance of studies in classical music (singing or instrumental).

Applications are closed for 2024.

Applications to the Acorn Foundation Christine Tustain Classical Music Award are facilitated by Creative Bay of Plenty.

Award value: The award has a base value of $2,000.

Simple online application process:

  • Details of the qualification or course in which the applicant intends to enrol;
  • A brief portfolio of creative work (this can be in video format);
  • A succinct statement outlining your experience, ability and reasons for applying, as well as the impact the award is likely to have on you and how it could benefit the local community in future; and
  • Two testimonials from relevant referees.


  • Applicants must be undertaking or about to commence further study in preparation for a career in classical music.
  • Applicants must provide evidence that they are engaged in, or have been accepted for, an advanced study programme or specialised course in classical music.

Applicants must have:

  • Received at least part of their secondary education in Tauranga or the Western Bay of Plenty district; and/or
  • Currently reside in Tauranga or the Western Bay of Plenty District.


  • The selection panel will consist of a representative from each of the classical music community, Creative Bay of Plenty and Acorn Foundation.
  • All applicants will be advised of the selection panel’s decision.
  • The panel’s decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
  • In the event of no decision being made due to insufficient or unsuitable applications, the award will be held over for a year and applications will be re-invited.

Privacy Declaration

The information requested in the attached application form will be used solely for the purpose of assessing your application for this award.  Personal information contained in this application will be made available to members of the selection panel, and staff of the Acorn Foundation and Creative Bay of Plenty.

The Acorn Foundation undertakes to store your application in a secure place in the event that you are successful in gaining an award or are selected as a reserve candidate for an award.  The Acorn Foundation undertakes to destroy your application to preserve its confidentiality, in the event that you are unsuccessful in gaining an award.  Should you have reason to believe that information held about you in either your application or your academic record is incorrect, you have the right of access to, and correction of, that information.

Watch this short video where Funding & Capability Advisor Annie Hill answers your frequently asked questions


Funding opportunities and resources to support arts and culture in the Western Bay of Plenty.


Funding for community creative arts and culture projects with the aim of increasing participation and support diversity in the arts sector in our region.


Directing the sector to resources, toolkits and skills providers for a more sustainable creative eco-system
