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Julie Paama-Pengelly

Julie has been at the forefront of developments in Māori Arts since the mid 1980s and was…

Trinity College London

Trinity College London believes that effective communicative and performance skills are life enhancing, know no bounds and…

Ariana Grant

Who am I? Ko Matawhaura te maunga Ko Kaituna te awa Ko Rotiti te Moana Ko Te…

Mira Corbova

“Intuitive art speaks when words have no form or shape. For me, creating art is an expressive…

Mandy Lacy

At the time, I never knew I was having the creative royalty of childhoods, growing up on…

Heidi Douglas

Originally from California, I moved to New Zealand in 2004 with my husband so it is well…

Matt Watkins

I am a self taught multi disciplinary designer and producer. I design, manufacture, and sell products including objects…
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