Acrylic painting, Drawing, Mixed Media, Oils, Painting, Pastels, Visual Arts, Visual Arts EducationLynne Sinclair TaylorI have been painting professionally for over 25 years and have enjoyed painting a wide range of…
Carving, Object & craft, Sculpting, Visual ArtsKevin McCardellI am a self taught sculptor and my chosen medium is wood. I have been carving for…
Acrylic painting, Mural, Painting, Visual Arts, Visual Arts Education, Water ColourAngela MurrayI’m Angela Murray and I’m a creative adventurer and guide, and I facilitate creative workshops which help…
Acrylic painting, Graffiti/Street Art, Illustration, Mural, Painting, Textiles, Visual ArtsJasmine KroezeHi! I’m Jasmine! I’m a detail-obsessed, chocolate devouring plant killer. I love options and ideas. I’m an…
Film, Photography, Visual ArtsJess LowcherHello there! I’m Jess, a local B.O.P. creative. I work alongside local businesses to help them conceptualise…
Acrylic painting, Mixed Media, Visual ArtsAngela MaritzI live and work in the Bay of Plenty having moved there from my native country of…
Acrylic painting, Drawing, Graffiti/Street Art, Illustration, Mural, Oils, Painting, Pastels, Visual ArtsShane WalkerI’m Shane Walker, a self-taught artist based in Mount Maunganui, New Zealand. In 2014, after gaining some…
Painting, Visual ArtsJo PedersenI am a self taught wax and mixed media artist, who returned to my home country of…
Film, Illustration, Photography, Visual ArtsDale HobsonI am a photographer, 3D artist based in Tauranga. I have provided high-end 3D modelling services for…
Film, Installation art, Mixed Media, Photography, Sculpting, Visual ArtsKristy RobinsonKia ora! I’m Kristy Robinson, a conceptual artist, musician and writer. I was born and raised in…
Acrylic painting, Mixed Media, Painting, Visual ArtsBirgitt ShannonHi. My name is Birgitt Shannon. I moved to Katikati from Australia in 2013. I started painting…
Acrylic painting, Drawing, Illustration, Mixed Media, Mural, Oils, Painting, Visual ArtsMegan ParkMy name is Megan Park and I am a New Zealand artist who paints in oil and…