Acrylic painting, Mixed Media, Mural, Painting, Visual ArtsPaul DarraghI am an independent artist based in Mt. Maunganui. I exhibit locally, nationally and internationally and have…
Acrylic painting, Drawing, Illustration, Mixed Media, Painting, Print-making, Visual Arts, Visual Arts Education, Water ColourLynette FisherI am a creative practitioner and a part time academic staff member at Toi Ohomai Institute of…
Film, Mixed Media, Photography, Visual ArtsMaea WikohikaKia Ora! My name is Maea Wikohika. I am a Maori fifteen year old self-taught photographer. I…
Mixed Media, Visual ArtsNinette KrugerI’m a Tauranga-based metal embossing artist and specialise in creating highly textured 3-Dimensional botanical and ocean-inspired metal…
Visual ArtsCharlotte JobI’m an artist and designer who started Lovely Creatures first as an outlet to share my love…
Photography, Visual ArtsRoz McIntoshAfter running my own nutrition coaching business and blog – creating recipes, and photographing the delicious results…
Film, Photography, Visual ArtsLouis BoltonHello. I’m Louis. I’m a visual story teller. I use my camera to capture and tell your…
Graphic Design, Object & Craft, Visual ArtsEmily WoolertonI’m Emily, the owner of the local design studio Calico. We craft brands and spaces that not only…
Acrylic painting, Drawing, Mixed Media, Painting, Sculpting, Visual ArtsJeonghun KoeI am a Korean who works as a chef in New Zealand. I was born in Jeju…
Acrylic painting, Film, Illustration, Mixed Media, Oils, Painting, Visual Arts, Water ColourKath Lousich ArtKia Ora Bay of Plenty. I am of Te Atiawa and Ngai Tahu descent and have been…
Acrylic painting, Drawing, Mixed Media, Mural, Painting, Pastels, Visual Arts, Visual Arts EducationJacqueline van den BergCreating artworks make me feel centred, strong and fulfilled. I have happy memories as a young child…
Mixed Media, Oils, Painting, Visual ArtsArt CapenerI undertook a short amount of formal art training at UK Liverpool Art College way back in…